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ActiveHTML: Enable Debug Mode
If you don't find a solution for your problem in this FAQ, please start AHTMLCFG.EXE, enable Debug-Mode [x] and request the page that causes the error.
ActiveHTML: AJAX does not work as expected
Please make sure that Request-Header "HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH" is set in Ajax-Requests. You may do this by adding the following code to your Ajax-Scripts:
ActiveHTML: Error: 800a139a / Error: 800a01b0
Please try to (re)install Microsoft Scripting Components version 5.6 or higher.You can download the newest version directly from Microsoft.
ActiveHTML: Session Variables don't work
Maybe your personal firewall blocks cookies. Cookies are required to use session variables.
ActiveHTML: Macromedia Dreamweaver Script does not work (CInt - Error)
Please follow the instructions in <Program Files>\seliSoft\ActiveHTML\Install\IISEmu.txt.
ActiveHTML: Server.CreateObject: - Error 'ASP 0134' - Invalid ProgID attribute
Beginning with Windows Vista, the path to some COM objects are stored with environment variables in registry.(e.g. "%CommonProgramFiles%\System\ado\msado15.dll" for "ADODB.Connection" object)
ActiveHTML: Program is slower than Microsoft Internet Information Server IIS
Your web server calls ActiveHTML every time an asp-page is requested.This method is by design significant slower than IIS (which stays in memory the whole time).

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